Thursday, April 7, 2011

Equal Rights Amendment

I think that the equal rights amendment is necessary but not.  Many women want this to be passed because it will finally be fact that women and men are completely equal.  I think that would be great, but it seems that women and men are already equal.  Although some jobs still pay men more than women, it's only by fractions.  There is nothing really against women today, but I think that women want this passed because it will law that they are treated and respected as equals.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Was Jackie Robinson the greatest civil rights figure?

I think that it would be a stretch that say that Jackie Robinson was the greatest civil rights figure during the civil rights movement.  Jackie Robinson was definitely a very influential person during this time, but there were others that I believe to have made a better impression.  Jackie Robinson broke the boundaries of baseball with his strong mind and great game skills.  He was an excellent player on the baseball field and for the civil rights movement.  He always knew exactly what he needed to do.  He was most likely one of the biggest figures to be for nonviolent resistance, along with Martin Luther King, Jr. and various other figures at the time.  He was definitely an excellent civil rights figure, but not as important as others who played a much larger role during this time period.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Yooks and Zooks

So the General Yook and the General Zook
Both stared each other down.
And held each  Big-Boy Boomeroo nuke
Directed towards the opposite town.

And they stood for hours and days on end
While the Yooks and the Zooks stayed in their holes.
And for their buttering rights they stood to defend
Against their stubborn souls.

So they stood and they stood
And then stood some more.
Each wondering "If they should.."
Should start the war.